Saturday, July 25, 2009

Tuesday was a tough day for us. David was sitting at the top a 7 Ft. ladder installing a ceiling fan in our bedroom and for some reason took a fall. I don't remeber what made me turn and look at him two seconds before the fall, but I did. Just in time to witness it. The ladder fell into the closet and broke the bar where David's clothes hung and David fell the other way. It was very scary. I grabbed the baby and ran into the room. He got up on his own, but was stumbling. I quickly put the baby on the bed and tried to get David to sit down. He was not cooperating at all. I was trying to get the ladder out of the way and get David to sit while yelling for help. Mentally, David was not there. I yelled several times out of the window while trying to keep David from falling again. There was absolutely no one out there. Finally, Brenda and Scott,two other missionaries here at EOC, heard me and came running. By that time David had come around. Scott arrived first and suggested that David lay down. He laid down, but had no idea what had happened to him. He was sweating pretty good so I got a wet towel for his head. He had a good size wound on the right side of his head where he hit the boxspring. We have a bedskirt over the boxspring of our bed that has a bunch of small squares on it and you could see that print on his head. Scott asked him how he was feeling and he replied that he felt fine. He asked him that a few times and David had the same response. So he asked him what day it was and he got that wrong. He did get his and my birthdates right though. David heard us talking about him and talking about going to the hospital and so he asked me what happened. By the time he finally understood what happened he had asked me about ten times what happened to him. He would ask if he fell? From where? and What he was doing? He didn't remember things that had happened earlier in the day either. When we got to the hospital they took him in right away. They checked his eyes, took X-rays, and gave him an injection for pain and swelling. They gave him and another patient injections in the buttocks right there in the patient waiting room. I felt embarrassed for the both of them. In the end they said that all was fine. No fractures to the skull. They gave him two medicines to take to continue to help with the pain and swelling. That evening his right eye started swelling and bruising. Now the swelling is gone, but he looks like he's wearing eye shadow on one eye. Praise God that his injuries were minor and that he is recovering well.

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